Our biggest snow of the year came just as it seemed we were going to have finer weather. 22" in our back yard on the 8th of March. We had a week of good weather in the 70s then more snow and some hail on the 22nd. Spring is never a dull moment here in the high desert of Utah.
Driven by the Latin term, Sensus Plenior, find deeper meaning in that which you do, I am curious about almost everything & everyone. Society is moved by Symbol, Celebrity & Poetry so, to better understand; Communication, Education, Psychology, the Social Sciences & Media must be explored to excel as a Direct Marketer, Graphic Designer, Educator, Instructional Designer, Content Creator & Author. These help me be more intuitive, intrapreneurial & a better problem solver.
Reader of Classics, Lover of History, Explorer of TJED, Keeper of the 5 Lost American Ideals - Georgics, Providence, Libre, Public Virtue & Freedom. Seeker of truth & light; a communicator am I.