Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Joys

At the first of the month it looked like spring would never get here. So Cheryl helped the kids bring in the holidays with snow style.

When the weather got better, in a few days, Chery brought the spirit into our home with the Easter tree.

On Saturday, Easter eve, we spent time as a family reviewing the meaning the meaning of Easter. On Sunday, we went over to Cheryl's parent's home for a nice Easter dinner.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Initiative Wins The Day

Here is something Kenya made while we cooked in the kitchen.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Family Matters

I found these pictures. One shows Kenya and Yzabel working on the SCAN sofa that used to be my parents when I was a kid. They were going to replace it. I had to have it. Cheryl refinished it and we got new fabric for it.

Yzabel showing her balancing ability.

And the kitchen after the orange project from last week.

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