I found these pictures. One shows Kenya and Yzabel working on the SCAN sofa that used to be my parents when I was a kid. They were going to replace it. I had to have it. Cheryl refinished it and we got new fabric for it.
Yzabel showing her balancing ability.
And the kitchen after the orange project from last week.
Driven by the Latin term, Sensus Plenior, find deeper meaning in that which you do, I am curious about almost everything & everyone. Society is moved by Symbol, Celebrity & Poetry so, to better understand; Communication, Education, Psychology, the Social Sciences & Media must be explored to excel as a Direct Marketer, Graphic Designer, Educator, Instructional Designer, Content Creator & Author. These help me be more intuitive, intrapreneurial & a better problem solver.
Reader of Classics, Lover of History, Explorer of TJED, Keeper of the 5 Lost American Ideals - Georgics, Providence, Libre, Public Virtue & Freedom. Seeker of truth & light; a communicator am I.
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